
April TBR

A new month, a new list of book just waiting to be read. As I told you guys in my last tbr post I never actually stick to the list of books I set myself and so posting a tbr would be pointless, but since I’m currently reading the last book on that list, I thought why not continue with this. So let’s jump right in!

  1. Uprooted by Naomi Novik. I’m currently reading this book and so far I absolutely love it. This was also the last book on last month’s tbr.
  2. Blue Lily, Lily Blue by Maggie Stiefvater. I’ve really enjoyed this series so far and wait to continue with it. I’ll definitely be reading this book this month.
  3. The Sculptor my Scott McCloud. I haven’t read a lot of graphic novels and I’m excited to see how I’ll like this one.
  4. Queen of Shadows by Sarah J. Maas. I think it’s time to continue with one of my favorite series in the world. I’m really taking my time with these book because firstly, they are freaking fantastic and secondly, after every book I’m a mess (don’t ask my why!)
  5. Me Before You by Jojo Moyes. I’m not sure yet if I’ll be getting in the mood for some heartbreak, but i guess we shall see.
  6. Book that are being released in April and new purchases. I guess I’ll buy some new book so they are on this as well.

This was it for my tbr. Let me know the books you’ll be reading this month!✿✿✿✿

Have a beautiful day!

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